Everbold Marketing

About Everbold Marketing

Digital Marketing Specialist at EverBold

Top causes of accidents for young drivers in Ireland 2021

According to figures presented to RTE by the Road Safety Authority, between the years of 2014 and 2017, 5.8% of all fatal crashes involved young drivers. 47 of these fatal crashes involved learner drivers and 35 fatalities out of those aforementioned 47 [...]

2024-12-18T16:48:19+00:00December 3rd, 2021|Latest News|

What To Do If You Hit An Animal On The Road

Encountering wildlife is a natural occurrence when driving on Irish roads. It typically is a more common risk on country roads but it’s also a prevalent issue on city roads and motorways too. Coming across wild animals can be frightening as a road user because while you [...]

2024-12-18T16:48:20+00:00November 2nd, 2021|Latest News|